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Bestselling novelist Scott Sigler’s speech on the Future of Content Delivery

Like Joe Konrath and Cory Doctorow, Scott Sigler is a talented, bestselling novelist who isn’t afraid of doing some hard thinking about what the Kindle and other new publishing technologies will do for us as readers and writers and, oh, yes, people otherwise employed in the book trades. He releases many of his books in the form of podcasts, often free, and once you get past the introductory stuff he had some very interesting things to say in this speech (which is not G-rated) on the future of content delivery:


And yes, you can download this and listen to it on your Kindle by following the instructions in Chapter 10, “Unlock the World of Free Audio on the Kindle,” of FREE: How to Get Millions of Free Books, Songs, Podcasts, Periodicals & Free eMail, Facebook, Twitter and Wireless Web With Your Amazon Kindle, Kindle 2, Kindle DX, or Kindle for iPhone App.
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