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I LOVE this post by Anne R. Allen! In my day job, you know the one that pays the bills, I develop WordPress sites for people. I still get people who think that if they put a post or two, the world will throw money at their feet. I feel bad and I try to explain to them that a blog is like a baby. It needs constant feeding and care for many years before you see any results. Alas, there are a lot of people out there that will tell you differently. So go check out Anne R. Allen‘s post on her blog and see if you agree!
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Author Blogs: 5 Bad Reasons for Authors to Blog and 5 Good Ones
5 Bad Reasons for Author Blogs
1) Getting Rich Quick
Nothing infuriates me more than those books and blogs promising writers they can make a gazillion dollars of “passive income” with a blog in the next month if they take this overpriced course or buy that book of rehashed advice from 2005.
The only people making a lot of “passive income” from blogging are the people selling the overpriced courses and worthless advice. Pyramid schemes always provide “passive income” for the people at the top of the pyramid. That’s not going to be you at this point. The boom is over.
Blogging is work. Writing is work. There’s nothing “passive” about it. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying.
I used to subscribe to a couple of hype-y “how-to-blog” blogs, but I had to unsubscribe because these people are getting so desperate. One blogger now sends an email 15 minutes after you click through to read his post saying, “You’ve had enough time to read my post. Now share it to Facebook.”
Creepy!! I’d just shared his post to Twitter, but I deleted the Tweet and unsubscribed. You’re not the boss of me, dude. And I’m not responsible for your bad life choices. If you really were making the fortune you claimed to be making a decade ago, why didn’t you invest it?
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